Monday, March 14, 2011

1) What is the TED organization about?
   - TED is about people talking about all the things happening in the world and theories about some of the problems the world has today

2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?
   - The purpose of their website is to talk about new science breakthroughs or problems or events that are currently happening. Their site supports it by getting different speakers for different topics and know what they are doing

3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the "Show talks related to:" section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer.
   - Technology is important to us because the whole world is technology now and we need to build something to support it. Design is also important because as engineers we need a design to have to build off of and expand on.

4) Based on your previous answer, what are 3 talks (videos) on the site that appear like they would be of most interest to you as an Engineer/Problem Solver? Justify your choices.
   1. Thomas Thwaites: How I built a toaster -- from scratch
   2. Reviving New York's rivers -- with oysters!
   3. Cynthia Breazeal: The rise of personal robots
5) Each student will watch a unique video. Claim your video on the following period specific posts: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. If no one else has claimed your video, leave a comment on that post to call the one you want. If someone else has already claimed the talk, go back and pick another one. Watch the video. Embed the video in your blog post and create a bulletized outline of the key issues presented in the talk
6) How could you get involved in the field/technology/issue you chose to hear about? What experience/skills/training/education would you need to learn to get involved with this field?
   - I could get involved by getting acquainted with the military technology and design a couple of layouts of some new ideas, but I would have to specialize into that major in college or something.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately it seems that many service members are loosing limbs these days so this is a very relavent talk for our military community.

    Can you provide a few bullets regarding the content of the video (question 5)?

    I know you're interested in joining the Navy. What specialties are you considering?
